High Point Medical Center is located near downtown High Point.
601 N Elm Street
High Point, NC 27262
High Point Medical Center Directions (Google Maps)
We have 5 parking areas reserved for you, depending on the reason for your visit.
Hayworth Cancer Center Parking Lot
Reserved for patients with an appointment with a physician in the Cancer Center.
Congdon Heart and Vascular Center
Reserved for patients of the Congdon Heart and Vascular Center.
Obstetrics and Gynecology - Elm Parking Area
Reserved for patients of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Elm.
Emergency Center Parking Lot
Parking for those in need of emergency medical attention is located at the Ray Avenue entrance beside the entrance to the Emergency Center.
Patient and Visitor Parking Deck
All visitors and patients not included above should park in the Patient/Visitor Parking Deck which is accessible from both the Elm Street and Westwood Street entrances.