The mission of our Burn Center is to provide optimal patient care through the skills of a multi-disciplinary team. Advances in burn care over the past 30 years attest to the value of a dedicated team of professionals working for the patient, all asking questions of each other, sharing observations and information, and seeking solutions to improve care.

The cornerstone of excellence in patient care lies in recognizing and supporting the role of each health care professional, and fostering teamwork to make our efforts successful. It is our continuing goal to remain at the forefront in providing optimal burn care for the patient from the moment of injury through rehabilitation.

Our burn team consists of a multidisciplinary group of direct care givers such as physicians, a psychologist, nurses, pharmacists, nursing assistants, therapists, social workers, and chaplains. Our team meets weekly to evaluate the patient's progress, develop the patient's plan of care, and set goals for the future.

Our Burn Center has 8 beds in the burn ICU and 16 beds in the acute care unit, with two hydrotherapy areas for wound care, and a gym for therapy. We also have a dedicated waiting area, weekly coffee hour, and the long-term individual units nearby.

Burn Outreach Education

Our Burn Outreach Education Team is available to offer presentations for your group or classroom. Classes on fire and burn prevention and home safety are available.

Our staff also offers burn care education for pre-hospital providers, emergency department nurses and physicians.

For more information please contact:

Shawn Griffin RN, BSN
Trauma/Burn Outreach Coordinator
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

ABLS Certification Courses

The Advanced Burn Life Support (ABLS) Provider Certification provide valuable knowledge for the immediate care of burn-injured patients within the first 24-hours post injury. The ABLS Provider course also provides education on emergency preparedness and management of mass casualty incidents with a focus on triage, burn survivability, prioritizing transport of patients, and patient treatment. ABLS is available for a wide range of burn care professionals.

Our Advanced Burn Life Support Education Team is available to train and certify your staff.

If you are interested in a course proposal for ABLS Provider Certification please contact:

Dr. Christopher K Craig, DMSc, PA-C
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Burn Center


How to remove and apply your arm dressing