Facts About Lunar New Year

In 2023, the Lunar New Year is celebrated on January 22 and is the Year of the Rabbit. Those born in the year of the Rabbit are said to be vigilant, quick-minded and kind.

What is Lunar New Year?

Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is an important holiday that celebrates the beginning of a new year based on the lunar calendar. It marks the end of the coldest days and welcomes spring. This holiday is typically celebrated for the first 15 days of the lunar calendar and considered a time to honor household and heavenly deities, as well as ancestors.

Why Do We Say Lunar New Year Instead of Chinese New Year?

While many in the West refer to this holiday as Chinese New Year, more than just those who are Chinese celebrate this holiday. Using Lunar New Year is preferred because it’s more inclusive of other Asian New Year celebrations. 

The New Year is known by different names in different countries. For example, in China it is called Chūn jié, in Vietnam it is known as Tết, in Korea it is Seollal and in Tibet it is called Losar.

Facts about Lunar New Year

Learn About Traditions and Celebrations

Lunar New Year - Case.edu

Lunar New Year 2022 - History.com