The Geriatric Consultation Clinic, an outpatient clinic of North Carolina Baptist Hospital, provides recommendations to assist primary care physicians in treating older patients with multiple, complex health issues. Through this Clinic, primary care physicians have access to the resources of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center on a consultative basis.
When referred to this clinic by their primary care physician, patients have a comprehensive evaluation including medication review and screening for common geriatric syndromes such as memory problems, difficulty walking, mood problems and falls.
Physicians Have Access to National Leaders in Geriatric Medicine
For the referring physician, this consultative program allows them access to the highest level of specialization and medical expertise in our community with regard to frail older patients dealing with multiple complex health issues.
Health Conditions Evaluated in the Clinic
Common problems seen in the Geriatric Consultation Clinic include a host of geriatric problems including multiple medical conditions, gait disorders, memory loss and other cognitive changes, mood and behavioral disorders, and polypharmacy. In many cases, referrals to other disciplines such as social work, physical therapy and occupational therapy are utilized to optimize medical care.
Clinic Visits
All patients seen at the Geriatric Consultation Clinic must be referred by their primary care physician. All clinic visits are by appointment only.
To Refer a Patient
If you are a physician or health care provider and wish to refer a patient or talk with a geriatrician, please call 336-713-8250.
Following the patient visit, the physicians send a letter summarizing the findings and recommendations to the referring physician. For more urgent matters, the geriatric consultant communicates directly with the referring physician by phone.