Active Resilience Training on Inpatient Physical Rehabilitation

The purpose of this research project is to help patients receive holistic care addressing both physical and mental health by adding active resilience training for patients. Resilience is a skill that can help people bounce back after hardships. One way to visualize this is to think of a spring: the spring can be compressed or twisted, but when it is released, it will return to its original shape. The goal of this project is to help provide patients with tools to use while in the hospital and after discharge. 

Below are a series of videos that outline different parts of resilience. Begin with the introduction video (approximately 2 minutes) to receive an overview of the concept and learn how the topic is divided into different lessons. Continue on to the remaining videos (approximately 5 minutes each) to learn about the specifics of each lesson and to gain tools to practice resilience as a skill. 

Introduction to Resilience

This video describes what resilience is and what a patient can gain from practicing resilience. The video also introduces the parts of resilience covered in this series: emotional, cognitive, physical, and spiritual. 

Spiritual Resilience

This video defines spiritual resilience as a sense of purpose or meaning that may or may not be rooted in religious beliefs. Two tools discussed in this video are gratitude (building from the emotional resilience video) and a wandering map exercise to reflect on experiences, people, or items that have meaning in a person’s life. Please have a piece of paper and something to write with while watching the video.

Emotional Resilience

This video defines emotional resilience as a tool to help navigate and regulate the emotional ups and downs. Two tools outlined in this session are naming emotions and practicing gratitude. Please have a piece of paper and something to write with while watching the video. 

Cognitive Resilience

This video discusses ways people think and patterns of thinking that can lead people to the wrong conclusion. The techniques outlined in this video are rooted in methods derived from cognitive behavioral therapy. Two tools outlined are the ABC model and visualization meditation. Please have a piece of paper and something to write with while watching the video. 

Physical Resilience

This video touches on two components of physical resilience: physical resilience through the patient’s body and changes it is experiencing and physical resilience as the space around the patient both in the hospital and at home. The tools outlined build on the visualization meditation from cognitive resilience through an outside-in approach.