Mail Services

The Mail Services department handles all deliveries to both Wake Forest Baptist Health and Wake Forest School of Medicine. Below please find helpful links, tips and information about all our mailing capabilities at your disposal.

Delivery Times

For a full list of delivery times and locations, please check out our mail schedule.

Quick Resources and Information


Airfreight Shipping

For outgoing package shipping information, call Mail Services at 336-716-2200.

Outgoing Bulk Mail

For outgoing bulk mail information, call Tina Cole at 336-716-2030.

Postage Charge Tickets

For printing Postage Charge Tickets from your PC, call Tina Cole at 336-716-2030 to have the necessary bar code font and basic instructions sent to your email address.

Sorting Information

For information about sorting, patient mail, mailboxes, or internal package tracking, call Ronda Spear at 336-716-6249.

Tracking Information

For tracking outgoing mail or packages, select a vendor from our list of vendors or call Mail Services at 336-716-2200.

Locations and Services