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Graham Wesley Bullard, MD

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Practicing Specialties

AnesthesiologyPain ManagementSpineMusculoskeletal Therapy


  • English


Dr. Bullard is board certified in anesthesiology and pain medicine. He specializes in neck pain, back pain, herniated (protruding) disks and musculoskeletal therapies.

Techniques he uses include epidural (spine) injections, trigger point injections for muscle pain, vertebral fracture stabilizations with bone cement, radiofrequency ablations (tissue reduction), joint injections and injections for bursitis.

Dr. Bullard is the medical director of the pain clinic at Lexington Medical Center and an assistant professor of anesthesiology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He has more than 30 years of experience practicing anesthesiology and pain medicine.

Dr. Bullard received his medical degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He completed residency in anesthesiology and a fellowship in regional anesthesia and pain management at the University of Cincinnati.

Conditions and Treatments

Back PainBiaculoplastyBotulinum Toxin (Botox)Bursa Injections (Bursitis)Cancer PainCervicalgia/Cervicogenic HeadacheChronic Muscle and Joint PainChronic Post Surgical PainCoccydyniaComplex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS or RSD)Degenerative Disc DiseaseDiscogenic PainDiscographyEpidural InjectionsFacet Joint InjectionsFracturesFunctional Anesthetic DiscographyHerniated DiskIntercostal NeuralgiaInterventional TherapyIntravenous Infusion TherapyJoint InjectionsKyphoplastyLow Back PainNeck PainNerve Entrapment SyndromesNeuromodulation TherapyOccipital Nerve Pulsed Radiofrequency StimulationOsteoarthritisPainPain from Peripheral Vascular DiseasePainful Diabetic Peripheral NeuropathyPeripheral Nerve BlocksPlasma Disc DecompressionPost Herpetic NeuralgiaPudendal NeuralgiaPulsed Radiofrequency InterventionsRadiofrequency AblationSacroiliac Joint PainSciaticaSpinal HeadacheSpinal StenosisSpine Facet Joint DiseaseSpondylolisthesisSpondylosisSympathetic Nerve AblationSympathetic Nerve BlocksThoracic Back PainTrigeminal NeuralgiaTrigger Point InjectionsVertebral AugmentationVertebral Compression FracturesVertebroplasty

Ratings and Reviews



Board Certifications

American Board of AnesthesiologyAmerican Board of Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, MD, 1981


University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Pain Management, 1987


Anesthesiology, Assistant Professor
