Angela Edwards, MD
- Anesthesiology
- General Surgery/Inpatient Anesthesiology

Practicing Specialties
- English
As a leader in perioperative services and medical optimization strategies, I have expertise in perioperative care, medical management and education. An accomplished director, I have success in collaboratively establishing organizational strategies, policies, and goals with multidisciplinary teams across service lines. As an academic leader, my clinical, educational, and administrative efforts focus on preoperative optimization, staffing models, EHR configuration, and telehealth. I have served in several leadership positions including:
- Section Head of Perioperative Medicine, President SPAQI
- Director Perioperative Medicine Summit (2020-2022)
- Vice Chair ASA Perioperative Medical Education committee
- Director WakeUPdates (CME)
- Wake Forest University Faculty Senate (present)
I currently serve as Vice Chair of Professional Affairs for the Department of Anesthesiology promoting faculty development while creating professional advancement opportunities for faculty and residents within national organizations. I maintain an active clinical practice in preoperative optimization and ambulatory anesthesiology.