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Daniel J. Kirse, MD

  • Pediatric ENT/Head and Neck Surgery
  • Cleft and Craniofacial Center
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Practicing Specialties

Pediatric ENT/Head and Neck SurgeryCleft and Craniofacial Center


  • English


I am a Professor of Otolaryngology and Pediatrics and have been on faculty here at Wake Forest Baptist Health since 2002. I started the pediatric cochlear implant program in 2004 and served as the residency program director for 15 years. I have a broad clinical practice which includes chronic ear surgery for cholesteatoma, endoscopic and reconstructive airway surgery, cysts and tumors of the head and neck, in addition to general pediatric otolaryngology. I have served on a number of national committees including leadership positions and I have over 40 peer-reviewed publications.

I pride myself on providing compassionate care for pediatric patients while supporting their parents. As medical director of pediatric otolaryngology, my goal is to provide proper access for families who desire to have their child cared for in an environment that is comprehensive and specifically designed for children. Brenner Children's has resources that cannot be replicated by any other entity in our region and I want to make those resources accessible to anyone who wants care in this unique environment.

Conditions and Treatments

Adenoid HypertrophyAdenoidectomyAspirationBranchial Cleft AbnormalityChoanal AtresiaCholesteatomaChronic Ear InfectionsChronic Nose BleedsCleft Lip and Cleft PalateCochlear ImplantsCochlear Implants (Pediatric)Congenital Aural AtresiaEar DeformityEar DiseaseEar InfectionsEar Tubes (Tympanostomy Tubes)Endoscopic Airway SurgeryEndoscopic Ear SurgeryEnlarged Neck Lymph NodesEustachian Tube DysfunctionFrenulotomyHearing LossHoarseness (Dysphonia)LaryngomalaciaLarynx or Voice Box DiseaseMucocelesNasal PolypsNeck MassNeck Mass RemovalNeck MassesOpen Airway SurgeryOtitis ExternaOtitis MediaPediatric Hearing LossPreauricular PitRecurrent Respiratory Papilloma (RRP)Sinus SurgerySistrunk ProcedureSleep ApneaStridorSubglottic and Tracheal StenosisThyroglossal Duct CystThyroid Growths and CancerThyroid MassThyroidectomyTongue TieTonsil HypertrophyTonsillectomyTonsillitisTracheostomyTurbinate HypertrophyTympanic Membrane PerforationTympanomastoidectomyTympanoplastyUsher SyndromeVascular AnomaliesVascular MalformationsVocal Cord DisordersVocal Fold Paralysis

Ratings and Reviews




Saint Louis University School of Medicine, MD, 1991


University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Gen Sur/Otolaryngology, 1996


Children's Hospital Harvard Medical, 1997


Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, ProfessorWake Forest School of Medicine, Professor, Pediatrics
