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Gary R. Kuzma, MD

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“I value the opportunities to practice in a specialty that focuses on the complexity of the hand and microsurgery.”

Dr. Gary Kuzma is board certified in orthopaedic surgery and holds a certificate of qualification in surgery of the hand. He specializes in wrist arthroscopy (a minimally invasive diagnostic and treatment procedure).

He is a member of the clinical adjunct faculty in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

His awards include being named a Top Doctor by Business North Carolina and Top Orthopedic Surgeon of the Year. He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. He has served as a past president of the North Carolina Society for Surgery of the Hand, the Southeastern Hand Society and the North Carolina Chapter of the American College of Surgeons.

Dr. Kuzma received his medical degree at the State University of New York (SUNY) Syracuse. He completed residency in orthopaedic surgery. Dr. Kuzma completed a fellowship in hand surgery at the Kleinert Kutz Hand Care Center at Jewish Hospital and completed a University of Connecticut Combined Hand Surgery Fellowship.

Away from work, he enjoys fishing, following Formula 1 auto racing and playing golf.

Conditions and Treatments

AllograftArthrocentesisArthrodesisArthrotomyBone CancerBone Tumor Excision/ResectionBrachial PlexopathyBursitisCamptodactylyCapsulorrhaphyCapsulotomyCarpal Tunnel ReleaseCarpal Tunnel SyndromeClinodactylyCollateral Ligament RepairCongenital BandsCongenital Hand DeformitiesCubital Tunnel ReleaseCubital Tunnel SyndromeDupuytren's ContractureDupuytren's Contracture ReleaseElbow ArthritisElbow ArthroscopyElbow Contracture ReleaseElbow Ligament InjuryElbow Pain and ProblemsEpicondyle ReleaseFinger Pain and ProblemsFracture ManagementGanglion CystGanglion Cyst ExcisionHand ArthroplastyHand InjuriesHand Pain and ProblemsHand Tendon TransplantationHand TenolysisLateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)Ligament InjuriesLigamentous and Muscle DebridementMacrodactylic RepairMedial Epicondylitis (Golfer's Elbow)Nerve InjuriesNerve NeurolysisNerve TranspositionNeuroplastyPalmar FasciectomyPathologic Fracture ManagementPercutaneous FixationPeriarterial SympathectomyPeripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)PolydactylyRaynaud's PhenomenonRevision Median NerveSerial CastingSoft Tissue TumorSoft Tissue Tumor Excision/ResectionSyndactylySynovectomyTendon FusionTendon InjuriesTendon Sheath IncisionTendon Transfer Upper ExtremityTenodesisTenolysisTenotomyTrigger Finger ReleaseTrigger FingersTumor ExcisionUlnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) Injury (Tommy John)Ulnar Nerve RevisionUpper Extremity Ligament/Tendon RepairVascular AnomaliesVascular MalformationsWrist ArthritisWrist ArthroplastyWrist Arthroscopy

Ratings and Reviews



Board Certifications

American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery


State University of New York at Syracuse, MD, 1975


Tulane University Hospital, Geriatrics, 1976


State University of New York Upstate Medical Center, Orthopaedic Surgery, 1980State University of New York Upstate Medical Center, Hand Surgery, 1980


Combined Hand Center, 1981Kleinert Kutz Hand Care Center, 1981Jewish Hospital, Hand Surgery, 1981


Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Adjunct Faculty
