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Kevin Robert Kuzma, MD

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Practicing Specialties


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I attended medical school at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and completed my residency in orthopaedic surgery at Hamot Medical Center, Erie, PA . Additionally,  I completed a Fellowship in Hand, Upper Extremity, and Microvascular Surgery at Duke University.

I am also actively involved in ongoing research in microvascular surgery and have numerous academic and professional achievements, including presentations and publications on orthopaedic surgery.

Conditions and Treatments

AllograftArthrocentesisArthrodesisArthrotomyBone CancerBone Tumor Excision/ResectionBrachial PlexopathyBursitisCamptodactylyCapsulorrhaphyCapsulotomyCarpal Tunnel ReleaseCarpal Tunnel SyndromeClinodactylyCollateral Ligament RepairCongenital BandsCubital Tunnel ReleaseCubital Tunnel SyndromeDupuytren's ContractureDupuytren's Contracture ReleaseElbow ArthritisElbow ArthroscopyElbow Contracture ReleaseElbow Ligament InjuryEpicondyle ReleaseFinger Pain and ProblemsFracture ManagementGanglion CystGanglion Cyst ExcisionHand ArthroplastyHand FractureHand InjuriesHand Pain and ProblemsHand Tendon TransplantationHand TenolysisLateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)Ligament InjuriesLigamentous and Muscle DebridementMedial Epicondylitis (Golfer's Elbow)Nerve InjuriesNerve NeurolysisNerve TranspositionNeuroplastyPalmar FasciectomyPathologic Fracture ManagementPercutaneous FixationPeriarterial SympathectomyPeripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)PolydactylyRaynaud's PhenomenonRevision Median NerveSerial CastingSoft Tissue TumorSoft Tissue Tumor Excision/ResectionSynovectomyTendon FusionTendon InjuriesTendon Sheath IncisionTendon Transfer Upper ExtremityTenodesisTenolysisTenotomyTrigger Finger ReleaseTrigger FingersTumor ExcisionUlnar Nerve RevisionUpper Extremity Ligament/Tendon RepairVascular AnomaliesVascular MalformationsWrist ArthritisWrist ArthroscopyWrist Fracture

Ratings and Reviews



Board Certifications

American Board of Orthopaedic SurgeryAmerican Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Surgery of the Hand


Wake Forest University - Bowman Gray School of Medicine, MD, 2004


Hamot Medical Center, Orthopaedic Surgery, 2009


Duke University Medical Center, 2010


Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Adjunct Faculty
