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Amy McMichael, MD

  • Cosmetic Dermatology
  • Dermatology
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Practicing Specialties

Cosmetic DermatologyDermatology




I am a Board-Certified Dermatologist who enjoys taking care of all patients with skin, hair, and nail conditions and diseases. I have both clinical and research interests in hair and scalp disorders and skin of color dermatologic conditions, however, I enjoy seeing the skin disease of all kinds including Cosmetic Dermatology and skin cancers.  I have published over 100 journal articles and delivered over 250 lectures nationally and internationally on many topics in Dermatology including: acne, melasma, hyperpigmentation, hair loss, psoriasis, and eczema. I enjoy connecting with many national Dermatology societies and have held leadership positions in many of these organizations. 

I have been at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center for 25 years and am the Chair of the Dermatology Department. I enjoy helping to build the Dermatology research unit, training the next generation of Dermatologists, and oversee the Cosmetic Dermatology Unit. When I am not at work, I enjoy spending time with family and traveling. 

Conditions and Treatments

AlopeciaBOTOX CosmeticChemical PeelsHair and Scalp DisordersHidradenitis SuppurativaHirsutismInflammatory Skin DiseaseLaser Hair RemovalLaser RejuvenationLichen PlanusLupusPigmentary DisordersPlatelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Hair LossSoft Tissue FillersVitiligoVulvar Disease

Ratings and Reviews



Board Certifications

American Board of Dermatology


University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers, 1994Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, 1991


Association of Professors of Dermatology, 2019Women in Dermatology Association, 2019American Academy of Dermatology, 2019


Dermatology, Professor

Research Interests

AlopeciaCosmetic DermatologyHirsutismInflammatory Skin DiseaseLichen PlanusLupusPigmentary ConcernsSkin CancerSkin of ColorVitiligo
