Chadwick David Miller, MD
- Emergency Medicine

Practicing Specialties
I am a board certified emergency physician, serve as Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Executive Director of Emergency Services at Wake Forest Baptist Health, and President of Wake Forest Emergency Providers. I am passionate about our communities having the best emergency care in the world, and we approach that mission through education, administration, research, and clinical care delivery. I am fortunate to lead and work with an exceptional team. Together we train tomorrow’s leaders, discover new treatments, and provide the best care for over 700,000 emergency visits each year.
I trained as a resident at The Ohio State University before joining Wake Forest, and completed a Master of Science at Wake Forest University. I have led in several roles prior to being named Chair, including Assistant Residency Director, Director of Clinical Research, Executive Vice-Chair, and Interim Chair. I conduct research that advances care for patients with cardiovascular emergencies and critical illness. I co-direct the Critical Illness, Injury, and Recovery Research Center (CIIRRC), the Southeastern Clinical Center for the NIH funded PETAL Network, and have a portfolio of work evaluating new methods to evaluate patients with chest pain presenting to the Emergency Department. I am blessed to have the support of my family and honored to work with such amazing colleagues as we improve the health of our communities.
Ratings and Reviews
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Emergency DepartmentWinston-Salem, NC 27157Medical Center Boulevard
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Brenner Children’s Emergency DepartmentWinston-Salem, NC 27157Medical Center Boulevard