I'm a licensed physical therapist at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist. I'm originally from Southwest Michigan; however, I graduated from Physical Therapy School in 2015 from The Medical University of South Carolina and then completed an APTA Pediatric Residency Training Program at Brooks Institute of Higher Learning in Jacksonville, FL. I then moved to Pennsylvania with my husband, for him to complete his medical residency, and worked in various settings at The Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. My heart lies with treating the neonate and parent education regarding development and handling. I had the opportunity to complete an APTA Neonatal Intensive Care Fellowship at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
In 2020 my husband and I moved to Winston-Salem and I have worked outpatient pediatrics at Medical Plaza Miller and am now the PT/OT Acute Care Pediatric Clinical Coordinator at Brenner Children's.
Outside of work my husband and I love hiking, running, exploring North Carolina, bike riding, and playing with our dog.