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Christopher J. Tuohy, MD

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“I love my job because it provides opportunities to make collaborative decisions with patients to optimize the use of their shoulders, elbows and hands.”

Dr. Christopher Tuohy is board certified in orthopaedic surgery and holds a subspecialty certificate in surgery of the hand. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. Conditions he treats include shoulder arthritis and rotator cuff tears, nerve injuries and compressions and shoulder, elbow and hand fractures and dislocations.

His motivation comes from recognizing the importance and functional interdependence of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand to perform any and all daily functional activities.

Dr. Tuohy has been listed as one of America’s Best Doctors for multiple years.

His research focuses on rotator cuff disease and a patent for rotator cuff repair tensioning.

Dr. Tuohy received his medical degree at Wake Forest University and completed residency at Albert Einstein Medical Center. He completed a hand and microvascular fellowship at Vanderbilt University and a shoulder and elbow fellowship at Thomas Jefferson University.

He has 2 sons. Outside of work, Dr. Tuohy enjoys biking and rowing, going to the gym, working in the yard and running. He likes cooking for his family and reading, especially books on reflective topics. One of his favorites is “Man’s Search for Meaning.”

Conditions and Treatments

Acromioclavicular Dislocation TreatmentAcromioclavicular Joint ReconstructionAllograftArthritisArthrocentesisArthrodesisArthrotomyCamptodactylyCapsulorrhaphyCapsulotomyCarpal Tunnel ReleaseCarpal Tunnel SyndromeClavicle ProblemsClinodactylyCollateral Ligament RepairCongenital Hand DeformitiesCubital Tunnel ReleaseCubital Tunnel SyndromeDupuytren's ContractureDupuytren's Contracture ReleaseElbow ArthritisElbow ArthroscopyElbow Contracture ReleaseElbow Ligament InjuryElbow Pain and ProblemsEpicondyle ReleaseFinger Pain and ProblemsFracturesFrozen ShoulderGanglion CystGanglion Cyst ExcisionHand ArthroplastyHand InjuriesHand Pain and ProblemsHand Tendon TransplantationHand TenolysisHemiarthroplastyLateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer's Elbow)Nerve InjuriesNerve NeurolysisNerve TranspositionOsteoarthritisOsteochondral AllograftOsteomyelitisPalmar FasciectomyPercutaneous FixationPeriarterial SympathectomyPeripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)PolydactylyRaynaud's PhenomenonRevision Median NerveRotator Cuff ArthritisRotator Cuff InjuriesRotator Cuff RepairScapular DyskinesisShoulder (AC) Joint SeparationShoulder ArthritisShoulder ArthroplastyShoulder ArthroscopyShoulder DislocationShoulder Impingement SyndromeShoulder InstabilityShoulder Pain and ProblemsShoulder ReconstructionShoulder Tendon and Muscle InjuriesShoulder TendonitisSoft Tissue TumorSoft Tissue Tumor Excision/ResectionSubacromial DecompressionSynovectomyTendon FusionTendon InjuriesTendon Sheath IncisionTendon Transfer Upper ExtremityTenodesisTenolysisTrigger Finger ReleaseTrigger FingersTumor ExcisionUlnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) Injury (Tommy John)Ulnar Nerve RevisionUpper Extremity Ligament/Tendon RepairVascular AnomaliesVascular MalformationsWrist ArthritisWrist ArthroplastyWrist ArthroscopyXiaflex Injections

Ratings and Reviews




Wake Forest University School of Medicine, MD, 2001


Albert Einstein Medical Center, General Surgery, 2006Shriners Hospital for Children, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, 2004St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, 2004


Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Shoulder and Elbow, 2008Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Hand and Upper Extremity, 2007


North Carolina Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2015American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2015North Carolina Medical Society, 2015North Carolina Orthopedic Association, 2015American Society of Surgery of The Hand, 2015


Orthopaedic Surgery, Associate ProfessorVice Chair for Clinical Operations , Orthopaedic Surgery

Research Interests

Hand and Elbow TraumaRotator CuffShoulder Replacements
