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Ethan R. Wiesler, MD

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Practicing Specialties

OrthopaedicsHand Surgery


  • English


“I enjoy the intricacies of all aspects of the hand function and surgical precision. I like seeing patients get better and return to normal life after surgery.”

Dr. Ethan Wiesler is board certified in orthopaedics with a certificate of added qualifications in hand surgery. He has clinical interests in all hand conditions, arthritis, trauma and reconstruction. He has been named a Top doctor by Charlotte magazine.

As a professor of orthopaedics at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, his research focuses on clinical outcomes.

For the past 25 years, Dr. Wiesler has also worked with residents, fellows and medical students. He has a leadership role in the hospital Peer Review Committee at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist. He serves as chief of the Hand/Upper Extremity service line that encompasses Winston-Salem, Greensboro and High Point, North Carolina.

Dr. Wiesler received his medical degree and completed residency in orthopedics and a fellowship in hand and upper extremities at Wake Forest University.

He is married and he and his wife love hiking, traveling, cooking, eating and sharing their lives with their 2 dogs. He speaks passable French and Japanese.

Conditions and Treatments

ArthritisArthrocentesisArthrodesisArthrotomyBone Tumor Excision/ResectionBursitisCarpal Tunnel ReleaseCarpal Tunnel SyndromeCollateral Ligament RepairCubital Tunnel ReleaseCubital Tunnel SyndromeDupuytren's ContractureDupuytren's Contracture ReleaseElbow ArthritisElbow ArthroscopyElbow Contracture ReleaseElbow Ligament InjuryElbow Pain and ProblemsEpicondyle ReleaseFinger Pain and ProblemsFracturesGanglion CystGanglion Cyst ExcisionHand InjuriesHand Pain and ProblemsHand Tendon TransplantationHand TenolysisLateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer's Elbow)Nerve InjuriesNerve NeurolysisNerve TranspositionOsteoarthritisOsteomyelitisPalmar FasciectomyPercutaneous FixationPeripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)PolydactylyRaynaud's PhenomenonRevision Median NerveSerial CastingSoft Tissue TumorSoft Tissue Tumor Excision/ResectionStress FractureSyndactylySynovectomyTendon InjuriesTendon Sheath IncisionTendon Transfer Upper ExtremityTenolysisTrigger Finger ReleaseTrigger FingersTumor ExcisionUlnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) Injury (Tommy John)Ulnar Nerve RevisionUpper Extremity Ligament/Tendon RepairVascular AnomaliesVascular MalformationsWrist ArthritisWrist ArthroscopyXiaflex Injections

Ratings and Reviews




Wake Forest University School of Medicine, MD, 1994


Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, 1999Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, 1995


Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, 2000


Southeastern Hand Club, 2019North Carolina Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2013American Society of Surgery of The Hand, 2013American Medical Association, 2013North Carolina Orthopedic Association, 2013North Carolina Medical Society, 1996


Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, ProfessorSection Head for Upper Extremity, Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation

Research Interests

Arthroscopy (Wrist and Elbow)Athletic InjuriesCarpal Tunnel SyndromeElbow InjuriesHand and Wrist ArthritisHand and Wrist SurgeryRadius FracturesWrist Injuries
