Julie Kristine Wood, DO
- Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Practicing Specialties
- English
“As a pediatric hospitalist, I am an expert in children who need to be admitted for both complex and simple reasons. I ensure that all information is communicated to the primary care physician so continued healing and health are ensured.”
Dr. Julie Wood is board certified in pediatrics and pediatric hospital medicine.
She is a clinical associate professor of pediatric hospital medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
Dr. Wood’s research and clinical interests focus on medical stabilization of patients with eating disorders, recognition of sepsis and young infants with hypothermia (low body temperature). Additionally, she participates in quality and safety, medical education and translational research.
She received her bachelor’s degree at Salisbury University and her degree in osteopathic medicine at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Wood completed residency at Duke University.