Respiratory Virus Surge Affecting Children

Hospitals across the country are seeing sharp increases in patients, particularly children, with several upper respiratory viruses, including flu, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and COVID-19, and we are only at the beginning of the respiratory virus season. We encourage you to help prevent illness:  

  • Consider getting the flu and COVID-19 vaccines - it's not too late!
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes. 
  • Wash your hands and clean and disinfect surfaces and objects frequently. 

If you or your child have symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, vomiting or diarrhea, we are here to help. By seeking care in the place that best matches the seriousness of your illness, you help us provide all of our patients the excellent care they need.

  • Please call your primary care provider for guidance before going to the emergency department. They can often evaluate you/your child safely through a clinic appointment, phone advice or telehealth visit. 
  • Use nearby Urgent Care locations. In addition to our Family Medicine Urgent Care locations, we have two Urgent Cares that always have pediatric providers on-site:
  • If you are not sure where to go, use Immediate Virtual Care and one of our emergency medicine specialists will guide you. You can also find helpful information at Get Care or What to Do If I Feel Sick.
  • Go to the emergency department or call 911 for life-threatening injury or illness.