Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine - Greensboro
The most experienced Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine experts in the region are here in Greensboro at four convenient locations. We cover the full range of orthopaedic needs for your family, from sports medicine and urgent care to joint pain and replacement.
Our Locations
Proudly serving Greensboro, Oak Ridge, Brown Summit, Summerfield, and Kernersville.
200 W Wendover Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27401
General Orthopaedics
Sports Medicine
Joint Replacement
Knee, Hip and Shoulder Pain
Back and Neck Pain
Foot and Ankle
Physical Therapy
On-site x-ray and casting
Same-day/next-day appointments & Walk-In Hours Available
2718 Henry St.
Greensboro, NC 27405
Hand, Elbow, Wrist, Shoulder
Injuries, Carpal Tunnel, Arthritis, Bursitis, Golfer’s Elbow, Tennis Elbow, Trigger Finger, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and more
On-site x-ray and casting
Same-day/next-day appointments
4517 Jessup Grove Road – 2nd Floor
Greensboro, NC 27410
Sports Medicine
General Orthopaedics
Injury and pain evaluations
Concussion evaluations
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Same-day/next-day appointments and Saturday hours
336-702-56352005 Pisgah Church Road
Greensboro, NC 27455
Including Adult and Pediatric Urgent Care
Sprains, strains and fracture care
Minor lacerations and burn care
Sport Physicals
Animal or insect bites
General illnesses
On-site x-ray and lab work
Walk-ins welcome
Saturday and Sunday hours available

At Wake Forest Baptist Health we are honored to be a part of the Greensboro community. We look forward to helping you and your family soon. Learn more about our Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine services in the triad area.
Need help getting an appointment? Please give us a call if you have any questions.
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
Our experienced and caring team uses the latest procedures and advances in medicine to design a medical or surgical plan that’s right for you.
Find a Location Near You
Click the map or the link below to see all of our Greensboro locations via Google Maps.
Our Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine team have been located in Greensboro since 1986 and have now expanded to include four convenient locations. Same-day and next-day appointments and weekend hours are available.
Your Local Team Doctors
Proud Team Doctors and Sports Medicine partners of over 35 pro, collegiate and youth sport organizations, including NC Fusion.
Our team of physicians, certified athletic trainers, and physical therapists continuously provide a safe competitive environment for adult and youth athletes across the Triad and Northwest North Carolina.