Our podiatrists understand foot pain and the impact it can have on daily lives.

We regularly see patients whose work requires them to stay on their feet for 8 to 12 hours a day: teachers, skilled laborers, police officers and retail and factory workers.

Foot pain experienced on the job or during recreational activities can become progressively worse over time. Our goal is to keep you on your feet and out of pain.

Podiatry Treatment Options


Many foot surgeries come with recovery periods from 6 to 8 weeks. When people and work depend on your mobility, a long recovery may not be the best option for you. That's why we offer more conservative, non-operative treatments to our patients, when possible. These include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Medical injections
  • Oral medications
  • Lifestyle alterations and patient education
  • Orthotic devices

Orthotic specialists are available to meet with our patients once a week right in our clinic to develop customized footwear and inserts.


When patients suffer from continued pain after non-operative treatments, surgery is the best option for relief. Our podiatry team is surgically trained in the latest and most advanced procedures, even complicated heel spur surgeries that many podiatrists do not offer.

We perform more heel spur surgeries than other practice in the region.


Your recovery doesn't begin or end with immobilization or surgery. Your doctor may prescribe physical therapy before and after surgery, or as an integral part of your non-operative treatment plan.

We use the latest techniques in physical therapy to get patients back to their daily lives safely and quickly. That's where our physicians join forces with our expert in-house physical therapy team.

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