Pat has worked at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist for 30 years, starting as a staff nurse and eventually becoming the Chief Privacy Officer for Wake Forest Baptist. She is also a Deputy Privacy Officer for Atrium Health. The focus of her job is to support the organization by championing the protection of information that we create and are entrusted with keeping private.
What does Women’s History Month mean to you?
Women’s History Month is an opportunity to celebrate and honor the contributions of women to our world. Remembering the accomplishments and struggles of the women that came before us can help energize us to continue to use our voices and fight for gender equality. As the mother of daughters, I feel it’s my responsibility to model the behavior of a woman who can accomplish what she sets out to do with hard work and determination.
Women’s History Month celebrates and reflects on the contributions of women to United States history. Who is a leader that inspires you and why?
I take inspiration from all the women leaders that came before me. I have met and learned from too many inspirational women to choose just one. Ruth Bader Ginsberg is someone I admire and who was able to prove that anything is possible. More personally, I draw strength and inspiration from the women in my family and community. The women who work quietly, dynamically and tirelessly to move our families, workplaces and communities forward every day are the heroes I remember.
At Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist, we create a space where ALL Belong. How do you see Wake Forest Baptist fostering an environment where ALL Belong?
Wake Forest Baptist fosters an engaging and supportive environment where ALL can belong by walking the walk. Our organization has created an inclusive climate by choosing strong women leaders, by taking responsibility to help each individual experience, engage, learn and grow. I believe we continue to foster a climate of inclusive interactions where we expect and value inclusivity from ourselves and our teammates.