CPR Courses
Heartsaver/AED CPR
This course is taught to meet the needs of the community (schools, churches). This course offers certification but not too intense for someone requesting the basics. There is no written test with this course. Only skill testing. It also incorporates the knowledge of the AED (Automatic External Defibrillator).
This course is taught to meet the needs of healthcare providers (RNs, MDs, CNAs, Respiratory Therapist). This course offers certification, requires more skills and there is a written test requirement. It also incorporates knowledge of the AED (Automatic External Defibrillator).
First Aid
This course teaches the basic first aid skills and CPR/AED for adults. It teaches an individual to assist with the immediate care that an individual will need before someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over.
The times of these courses can vary anywhere from 2-6 hours; depending on the number of participants and course selected.
Family and Friends CPR
This course offers very basic CPR instruction. This course meets the needs of most communities or mass training events. There is no certification or test. Only skill requirements. AED training can be incorporated into this training.
Hands Only CPR
This is taught during mass training events, such as schools and churches, and anyone else who wishes to learn the very basics of CPR. There is no certification for this course.
CPR Training Videos - Adult CPR
Learn more about CPR for adults.
Note to Current Students
Please be advised that if you have not received your card within two months of your class, then you need to contact your instructor immediately. After the two-month time period has lapsed, and you have not followed up about the status of your card, then you will be charged a fee of $10.00 for a replacement card.