Visitors are welcome at our locations. If you have respiratory symptoms, please consider staying home to protect your loved ones and community.
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center is experiencing significant parking constraints due to ongoing construction, so hospitalized patients remain limited to two healthy visitors at a time. Those arriving for outpatient visits at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center may bring one person to accompany them. All other Wake Forest Baptist locations will be fully open to visitors.
General masking information
Masks are optional for patients, visitors and care teams with the following exceptions:
- Patients with respiratory symptoms should wear masks when outside their rooms.
- People should wear masks in high-risk patient areas as indicated by signage.
- Patients may ask providers, care teams and anyone who works for Aurora Health Care to wear a mask during their visit.
Masks are available at our location entrances.
Visitor Registration Kiosks
As part of our visitor registration process, all those without Medical Center ID badges must register at the point of entry. Once you pass our routine health screening upon arrival, our screeners will partner with you to complete the kiosk registration process.
Please enter the medical center to register at these designated entry locations:
- Janeway Tower, Ground Floor entry (near parking deck entrance, orange level)
- North Tower, Main Floor entry (near horseshoe driveway)
- Adult Emergency Department front door
- Pediatric Emergency Department front door (Pediatric ED access only)
- Cancer Center 4th Floor
- Cancer Center 1st Floor
- Sticht Center Main Floor
As a community, we know you entrust us with the care of your loved ones. This is why we must maintain a safe, yet welcoming environment by balancing facility security with accessibility. Achieving that balance can greatly reduce the stress that you may experience during your stay or visit.
Visitor management and registration tools not only improve the safety of our patients, visitors and employees, they allow us to maintain real-time records of all patients and visitors present on Medical Center premises and aid us in managing the number of visitors based on active visitation guidelines.
This additional step in our entry process is a key part of continuous improvement. We are consistently evaluating how we may provide our patients, families and visitors with thoughtful caregiving in a safe, secure environment.
No use of tobacco products or electronic cigarettes is allowed on Medical Center property or within any Medical Center vehicle. We discourage the use of tobacco products by Medical Center staff/faculty or visitors on properties adjacent to Medical Center properties, such as sidewalks, highway right-of-ways, and privately owned properties.
Weapons are prohibited on all Medical Center property. “Weapons” is defined as any object used to intimidate, inflict bodily harm, or kill such as firearms, knives or blades, brass knuckles, mace, pepper spray, etc. Only law enforcement personnel with statutory authority (authority to enforce federal, state or county law) are permitted to carry weapons on Medical Center property.